Here is what my family is going to be eating this week for our meals. Place your menu plan up at orgjunkie
Monday (11)
B- Breakfast Taco
http://www.campbellkitchen.com/RecipeDetail.aspx?recipeId=24725&ref=%2fSearchRecipeTypeResult.aspx%3fRecipeTypeSearchId%3d2%26page%3d3L- Chili Mac
http://www.kraftrecipes.com/kf/recipes/chili-mac-51478.aspxS- Cheddar Potato Pie
Tuesday (12)
B- Cereal
L-Hot dogs with chips
S- Quick BBQ pork chops
Wednesday (13)
B- homemade waffles
L- Chicken nacho tacos
S- pizza
Thursday (14)
B- French Toast
L- stove top easy brunch casserole
S- chicken patties
Friday (15)
B- out/cereal
L- Mini Pizzas
S- Baked pork chops
Saturday (16)
B- Pancakes
L- Chili
S- pork chop stuffing bake
Sunday (17)
B- Church
L- Chicken tenders
S- Pulled pork sandwiches
I am trying alot of great new recipes. Hoping that my family likes them. Your family may to :) God Bless
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