Go Cards!

Go Cards!

GO Cardinals!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

shopping day

Heading out here in a couple of hours to do my shopping for the week . I am hoping that I can find more sale. So that I can save as much money with coupons that I can wish me luck.
Katelynn is calling me to try and pass on the savings she found :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

My husband the fire fighter. He loves his job as fire fighter. He is the tall one in the back. This picture was taken the day of a practice house burn just outside of town .

What a wonderful winter day

What a wonderful day that it has been. We began the day with us opening our eye with a dusting of snow on the ground and it still snowing. It is know feeling a lot like christmas. Might be a little to late but better late then never. I just cant wait until we get enough snow that my princess can go out and play in the snow for the first time. Last year at this time she was only 3months old. I was a good mommy and brought in a bowl of snow so that princess can at least feel the snow. She loved it with a smile on her face. Leaving for today to put princess down to sleep God Bless everyone